Driving your HR Strategy in to Action

In today’s ever-changing VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, Ambiguous) World, the strategic role of Human Capital has become key for every organization towards gaining a competitive business advantage. The current and future dynamics of the fast-changing Business World require clearly differentiated and exceptionally strong HR Professionals who can visibly demonstrate the courage, resilience and character, and not just the usual HR Skills and Competencies, in order to drive the business agenda forward, while keeping the right balance between ‘man’ and ‘machine’ in an AI-driven environment. Realizing this challenge and driven by the passion to attract, retain and develop the right human capital within organizations, Resource Hub People and Business Partners (Resource Hub PBP), a Firm providing world-class HR Consulting and Business Partnering Services, embarked on this courageous journey of enabling people and organizations, aligned with the ever-changing requirements of the future.

Our philosophy at Resource Hub PBP is to embed HR-oriented business solutions at the helm of our Clients’ Business by working closely to drive HR Strategy in to Action, thereby effectively driving the required change from the top and taking it across all levels of the Organization. Our unique, extensive and diverse portfolio of experience serves as a comprehensive HR tool-kit. Consequently, our tailor-made practical solutions are a unique blend of needs identified from within the Clients’ Operations, coupled with global best practices.



Our philosophy at Resource Hub PBP

is to embed HR-oriented business solutions at the helm of our Clients’ Business by working closely to drive HR Strategy in to Action, thereby effectively driving the required change from the top and taking it across all levels of the Organization. Our unique, extensive and diverse portfolio of experience serves as a comprehensive HR tool-kit. Consequently, our tailor-made practical solutions are a unique blend of needs identified from within the Clients’ Operations, coupled with global best practices.


Our Vision

Be the Leading and Trusted Partner in People Development and Business Growth, through courageous Organizational Transformation and consistent Change Management


Our Mission

We partner with Individuals, Organizations, Academic Institutes and Communities to enable them to achieve differentiated and sustainable growth through Human Capital Development

Our Values – ‘The 7Cs’



Partnering HR with the Business

Based on the type of HR requirements, Resource Hub People and Business Partners accordingly initiates its customized HR solutions that could entail a detailed cross-sectional Audit, Diagnostics and Critique of Organizational and Functional Structures, Business Dynamics, Service Delivery, Digitization, KPIs, Policies and Procedures, as well as other key parameters such as Customer Feedback, etc. This leads to integrated and synchronized solutions that are mutually beneficial to business, its employees and other stakeholders.

Our competitive enablers are our personalized, customized and in-depth facilitation in equipping the Human Capital through effective Diagnosis, Automation of HR Processes, Lean and simplified Policies and Procedures and a high level of Employee Engagement, thereby increasing Employee and Organizational Performance and Productivity.

Based on our differentiated experience and Global Best Practices, we firmly believe in the creation of an enabling environment that fosters maximum Employee Performance and Engagement. Our enablers can be verbal, non-verbal or both and / or infrastructure-based, depending on the unique needs of our Clients.

Last but not the least, we do all the above by consciously developing the Courage, Character and Resilience of not only the HR Team of our Clients’ Organization but also of the general Employee Population, which is aligned to both the short-term and long-term Business and People Strategies.

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Some of Our Big Projects

• Mid and Senior Managerial and C-Suite Recruitment.
• New Performance Management Frameworks.
• Policies and Procedures.
• Engagement Surveys.
• Reward and Benefit Surveys.
• General Leadership Training Workshops for People and Business.
• Community Circles.
• Corporate Functional Leadership Academies.
• Personalized Leadership Coaching.
• Career Planning and Succession Planning Processes.
• Leadership Team Outbreaks.
• Organizational Capability Building Frameworks.
• High-Performance Culture Interventions.
• Employee Experience and HR Service Delivery Workshops / Processes.
• ER and IR Workshops / Processes.
• Health and Well-Being Awareness Workshops / Sessions.
• Certification in People and Business Partnering (cPBP).
• Customized e-Learning.
• Talent Marketplace